Coupon Tickets


How It Works

Our Coupon style Tickets provide numerous discounts to local merchants including restaurants, sporting goods, auto services, and much more. Just like the discount card, the Coupon Tickets are fully customized for your organization and The Funding Zone provides all of the offers that are printed.

The Coupon Ticket is basically exactly how it sounds. You simply remove the individual perforated coupons and present it at time of purchase to redeem your discount. You have the choice of a 48 or 64 coupon card ticket for your organization so the value is just second to none. Each ticket easily has several hundred dollars worth of savings making it a very valuable fundraiser and easy to sell.

The concept of the coupon ticket was developed simply to offer more groups within a school the ability to fundraise. Many times a team will be restricted from selling a discount card fundraiser because someone else within the school already sells one. Well, the coupon ticket is basically the same exact concept as the discount card, but since it looks different, it gives other teams in the ability to also fundraise.

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